We all have felt that sometimes even after best of preparations and readiness, we feel incapable and at loss when the actual situation shows up. Be it any competitive exam, personal relationship, a stage performance or any sports. We see ourselves crumbling down under the pressure. Why does this meltdown happen?

On closer analysis we see, that there are some potent emotions which grip our mind and sends it into a never ending loop. Fear is one such culprit, it shows us ugly imagery of ourselves when we would be a failure, it breeds on scenarios and situations and prevents us from venturing out of our comfort zones and taking risks in our life. Fear paralyses our thinking ability and keeps us its prisoner forever.


Gita comes to our rescue and presents us a baton of hope, it shows us a way of life which can free us from our victimhood mentality. The knowledge of Gita digs deep and goes to the source of fear. It warns us and tells us that we can’t totally withdraw from life and  live a life of non action. Even if we want, we can’t, as we all are driven by our inherent gunas of prakriti. Karma yoga, that is 100% effective action, and  zero the feverishness for the results. This massive combination lands us in a safety net where our full availability to the job makes it a job well done and zero expectations creates no frenzy.

Transcending fear is possible only when we are free of “ thoughts of expectation” and we are fully available for the job at hand. Our energy gets dissipated into numerous branches when we start thinking about the result and the  rewards related to he job. When we cross the boundary of ME and MINE and work selflessly for a larger cause then the fear leaves us silently and its replaced by peace or mind and tranquility.



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