The nursery school teacher asked the class, “what do I have in my hands?” 3 candies, shouted the children. Good. Now? 4 candies. Very good. Now? 5 candies. Excellent!

Kids are focussing on and shouting with more energy the word candies, while whole exercise from the teacher is focussed on 3, 4,5 etc. This little game enables the young minds to grasp a difficult concept of numbers. These are not found anywhere in the physical world. Have you seen any of the numbers roaming around or on trees or anywhere else for that matter. Numbers are purely human intellect creation and exists only at that level, yet we are so comfortable using these marvellous concepts in our day to day life.

Much more intriguing and powerful concept is that of Soul in our lives.

We have been told that Soul cannot be cut, burnt, wet or dried. Further, it is said to be eternal, pervading, constant, immovable and is everlasting. So there are few things that we need to accept at concept level and as we progress with our spiritual growth and practice our chosen practices, some of these concepts about Soul start clicking. i.e.

Beyond Change : Soul is constant and everlasting

Beyond Time : Soul is eternal (it is independent of time)

Beyond Space : It is independent of space and is immovable (movement is linked to time and space and both are ineffective here)

Beyond Physical world :It is said to be un-manifest- like the tree inside the seed.

Beyond Mental world : It is immutable, fixed or can’t be changed

Beyond Thought world : It is incomprehensible, hence Impossible to understand.

Such are the “properties” of the one who is beyond properties!

Now, looking at “it” as something farther away can still make sense, just like numbers make perfect sense to us. Accepting “it” to be part of oneself, now that is a completely different ballgame.

Our scriptures are screaming, Gurus are pleading, understand that it is within you, nay, it is true nature of oneself. Further, this is not just a theoretical exercise, rather something to be directly experienced, here and now, Aparoksh Anubhuti.

When we understand, know, experience and realize that a part of ourselves is of this nature, then we should change our attitude towards life. The knowledge of soul helps us to take anxieties and worries out of our life.

This is the power system energising an otherwise lump of bones, flesh, skin etc to lead a life on this planet. Beyond change, time, space, even this physical, mental and thought world. What a power-source it is!



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