Big stage is set. Vijaya or Brihannala, the eunuch is charioteer to the young prince of Virata’s kingdom of Matsya, who has single handedly challenged the grand army with all important warriors of Hastinapur. Taking a decision without planning and not thinking of consequences is one of the key signals of a tamasic lifestyle, which will be looked into later on. Virata parv narrates the story of Arjuna in disguise rather than the young prince Uttar who wins the battle using sammohana Astra causing all in the opposition to fall asleep or swoon. Arjuna chooses not to kill any of them. Single handedly Arjuna had defeated all great warriors of opposition who were attacking him simultaneously. This same Arjuna has become despondent looking at the same enemy camp in Kurukshetra. Such is the power of Raaga leading to Moha, to Shoka!

Not that he wasn’t clearheaded of modus operandi to win this war, he knew exactly what needs to be done and wanted to have just one last look before the war begins and the course of the history is moulded by his hands, well by his bow, Gaandiva. Such is the power of unchecked attachment, Raaga for the super-star of his times. What to say of mere mortals like us who are entangled in worldly affairs of earning the next promotion and settling the score with old friends and relatives turned enemies.

Ajuna’s despondency in the middle of the battleground is not due to his lack of ability. It is about lacking the clarity of his duty according to time, role and place. It is not realizing what his Dharma is. How many of us fall victim to our own lack of understanding of Dharma paving way of misery in our lives is beyond count. 

Natural question coming to our mind is, “Whole world says Love is the key to happiness and isn’t attachment just another name of Love”? Raaga or Emotional Attachment is fundamentally different to Prema or Love due to the nature of attraction. 

Raaga is due to selfish reasons while Prema is selfless.

One is trapped in the world of pleasure and pain due to dependence on emotional crutches. Emotional attachment to people, objects and situations (Vyakti Vastu Paristhiti) is the cause of all our pleasure and pain in the world. When we get addicted to these pleasures for want of more and pain to avoid at any cost, this psychological addiction leads to Moha.

Moha is the second stage of excesses of materialistic living. Mohini Shakti, power of delusion, is heavily described in our scriptures from various angles. It has huge potency to get us to start liking what is dangerous for us and hate what is really good for us. A free person would not like to engage in an act but willingly goes for it under the influence of Moha, such is its power. Arjuna was experiencing this as he kept on looking at his enemies yet identifying with them as relatives. He starts counting some 20+, seemingly good reasons why he should not kill them. Aren’t we all deluded like Arjuna due to unchecked attachments and material desires?



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