Climate change is now killing people, their livelihood, ecosystem, biodiversity, houses, businesses and livestock in developed countries also. A whole host of European countries like Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Greece and a few others are recording highest ever temperatures in their history. On 19th July, Britain broke its record for highest temperature with 40.3 degrees Celsius and France recorded 40.5 degree Celsius. Temperatures hit 47 degree Celsius in Portugal last week amid the harshest heat wave, searing swaths of Europe. In several other countries of the continent too, temperatures are hovering around 40 degree Celsius and causing unprecedented problems to the people, who otherwise are accustomed to living in temperate conditions. Extreme heat is proving to be deadly especially for the vulnerable group of people like elderly, small children, those with preexisting medical conditions and the people with little or no access to cooling. Portugal has reported over one thousand deaths due to the heat-wave till date.

In Europe, people normally don’t need an AC as the temperature remains moderate even during summer, hence they are unprepared for the onslaught of extreme heat conditions. For example, in Britain, estimatedly only about 3% of homes have AC. In that case, the tormenting heat wave causes much trouble to the people, particularly when it remains high during night, depriving them of much need respite. In the wake of extreme heat conditions, Britain triggered a national emergency alert with met scientists blaming climate change and wildfires for the situation. The situations become much worrying as meteorologists predict hotter days ahead with frequent episodes of extreme weather conditions as wildfires start very easily and spread rapidly when conditions are hotter.

Massive wild fires in France, Greece, Portugal, Spain and in some parts of Britain, have already destroyed thousands of hectares of land, forcing thousands of residents to flee to safer places. Extreme heat conditions are displacing people in thousands in southern France, Spain, Portugal and other countries with at least 28,000 evacuated in France alone. Efforts are on to quell the fire, however, the burning blazes are too difficult to be controlled, putting even several apartments on the highest state of alert. Soaring temperatures are causing grass fires in several countries and cities including London, one of the financial capitals of the world. In certain parts of Britain, people have been asked not to travel unless absolutely necessary as the extreme heat has started disturbing rail, air and bus services and disrupting power supplies also. Flights from London were temporarily disrupted and diverted after searing temperatures caused a small section of the runway to lift.

Environmentalists across the globe say, the crushing heat is largely being caused by climate change, which is fairly coupled by the wild fire in some parts of the globe. The air mass responsible for this extreme situation in Europe, is said have been originated in northwest Africa with a heat dome and an area of low pressure. Successive researches also show that certain heat extremes would not have been possible if we had taken the required initiatives well in time. Human caused climate change is now costing us dearly. Warmer temperatures over time change weather patterns and disrupt the usual balance of nature, besides posing many risks to human beings by increasing heat related illnesses, making it difficult to work and move around. Climate changes also seriously affect other forms of life on the Earth. Major parts of the globe are now seeing more hot days and heat waves with 2020 being one of the hottest years on record. Hence, it is now or never for us to wake up to the environmental realities.